Monday, May 20, 2019


My transplant day was moved up to tomorrow (Tuesday).   I’m not 100% sure I can explain why, but it has something to do with the fact that the donor product is a little smaller than anticipated and also with the fact that they want to remove plasma to reduce any potential for trouble due to different blood types (I’m AB+ , Donor is O+).   And I’m told that the fresher the better, so since it’s here and I’m ready, no sense putting it off an extra day. So the entire schedule is being advanced by one day.

I’m feeling fine right now, despite having received a butt load of chemo over the past four days.  I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. Current projection is that I’ll feel pretty crappy starting Friday. Fever and chills as my body recognizes the intruding cells as an infection and tries to fight them off.   Next week, I’ll have no immune system, so I’ll be warding off visitors for a few days just to be on the safe side.

Stay tuned!

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