Thursday, January 24, 2019

One More Time Around the Sun!

Today (Saturday) is my birthday.  Birthdays are small victories for all of us, but especially for cancer patients.  I’m particularly gratified to be celebrating this one.

My last bone marrow biopsy showed I'm still MRD-, the best possible result indicating that no cancer cells could be detected.  As previously advertised, my final in-hospital chemo treatment will begin on Monday and by the end of the week, I should be finished with hospital admissions.  From here, we go into maintenance mode which will involve oral meds and a monthly infusion of Vincristine…which takes about 20 minutes.  I should start gaining stamina and getting some hair growth.  I’ve already started a mini-rehab which consist of daily meditation sessions and daily walks.  My plan is to increase the distance of the walks and gravitate toward bike rides and other activities.

I feel grateful to so many people for getting me to this day.

  • ·         The doctors who worked so hard to learn about this disease and how to treat it. 
  • ·         The nurses - dozens of them – all of whom have been so helpful and tolerant and talented and kind.  Nurses are absolutely special.  If you ever have a chance, ask any of them why they decided to become nurses.  The stories are amazing. 
  • ·         My amazing caretaker wife who has kept taken on this burden without complaint. I could write a novel about how much she’s done and how much she did to carry me through this.  Suffice it to say I am so lucky to have her with me.
  • ·         And, of course, all the friends and family who have come to visit me at the hospital and at home, called to check in on me, said prayers and did so many things to keep my spirits up.  From my regular group of friends to friends that came out of the woodwork when then found out about the cancer. I’m afraid to start listing them for fear of leaving someone out, but special mention to the always stalwart Lee, who would qualify for about a month free parking if Cedars had a frequent visitor program.  And to Mal and Irv Sobel who visited more often than Zsa Zsa said “dahling”.

Last summer, this seemed so far away. It’s great to be closing in on end of treatment.
Happy Birthday to me!!!!!