Friday, April 19, 2019

Treatment Holiday!

Sunset at Key West

Enjoying a two week respite between immunotherapy sessions.  I’m presently treatment free! We took advantage of this gift by stealing off to Florida for a few days in Key West, followed by a few more days celebrating the Passover holiday with relatives in Boca Raton.  I’ve been able to bike and swim and kayak and enjoy the Florida sunshine unencumbered by chemo or tubes or any meds. My hair is even growing back! And there is good news on top of that….my latest bone marrow biopsy results put me back into remission.  Specifically I’m once again negative minimum residual disease (MRD-), meaning that the immunotherapy is working and no active cancer cells are detectable. This is decidedly good news as it bodes well for the success of the imminent transplant. But, alas, it’s not a cure.   The plan remains in force. I’ll be reconnected to the fanny pack for another month of immunotherapy starting on Tuesday, followed by the transplant sometime in early June. Once that starts, I’ll be pretty sick for awhile as I’ll be getting heavy chemo and radiation to wipe put my cancer and replace my immune system with bone marrow stem cells from the donor.  But for now, I’m feeling great and despite the resumption of the immunotherapy, should continue feeling good until the transplant. The immunotherapy has been pretty easy to take and dealing with the fanny pack is not too intrusive. So I’ve got another month or so to live it up.

Hope you are enjoying your Passover/Easter holiday!


  1. Once again you kick cancer's rear end. Perhaps this time it'll take the hint.

  2. Looking hale and hardy my friend. Keep up the great work!

  3. Thinking of you both often. All our powers of well wishing are coming your way. Hesitate to say we love the blog, but we do appreciate being included, and how well you write about your experiences.
    eleanor and john

  4. That’s about as good as news can be! I hope it continues. Will be thinking of you and wishing you well for the transplant.
