Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Throwback photo.  From last year.

Since I have a lot of time on my hands these days, I get to contemplate pretty useless things.  For example, the word “downhill”.   It is one of those words that can mean one thing in certain contexts and the exact opposite in others.

“Going downhill” can mean deteriorating as in “he’s going downhill”.  But to a bike rider, “going downhill” means things have gotten easier.  You’ve pedaled hard and made it to the top of the hill and now you get the reward of a downhill.

So, I’m using the bike rider context to point out that I’ve reached the halfway point of my treatment and it should be all downhill from here.  This whole thing started 4 months ago and as of Sept 1, I have 4 months to go.  The forecast is that I will complete the Hyper CVAD treatment on December 30.  So, by this reckoning, I’m on the downhill side of the treatment.  It’s still a long road, but at least the end is closer than the beginning. 

I’ll be checking back into Cedars tomorrow.  For those of you keeping score at home, I’ll be getting Part B of round 3.  I expect I’ll be there until Monday or Tuesday, which means I’ll be celebrating Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Years) in the hospital.  There WILL be a service at the hospital chapel and if my immunity levels allow, I’ll be able to attend.  If not, I can watch it on the TV set in my room.  This could be a test of my piety somewhat equivalent to Job.  If I can stick it out for the whole service without switching to SportsCenter, I’m truly a pious man.

Shana Tovah to all. 


  1. I’m viewing it you’re not going’re coasting to the finish!! All the best-Mike
    And in advance.. “L’Shana Tova”. Healthy, happiness, and peace in the coming year and always!

  2. So glad to hear. Ride it like you stole it, Friend. Love you.

  3. Nothing says "pious" better than a little US Open.

  4. I am impressed that you are riding bicycles.

    May this be a very good year for you.

  5. My concern and care and love for you are level, as constant as always. Pedal as you coast, you SOB!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Wishing you a zissen and freilach new year....And a 73-0 victory over the Lobos!

  8. Ed, I appreciate your ongoing sense of optimism and insightful writing. I do not have any Jewish sayings to leave for you, but Rodger McGuinn always said "I trust everything will work out fine".

  9. Ed -- you are doing great! I was in MadCity last week and looked for a MadCity hat or anything for you, but none to be found! Got to enjoy a terrific Wisconsin thunder and lightning storm over Lake Monona! Hang in there!
