Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Gearing up for Round 4

Welcome back, fight fans.  We’re about to initiate Round 4 of a scheduled 6 rounder between the skinny kid from Wisconsin and the Big Bad Hyper C-VAD monster.  It’s been a tough fight so far.  I’ve absorbed numerous body blows.  I’ve even been knocked to the canvas a couple of times, including Saturday night when low immunity levels combined with a fever of 102.4 led to an unscheduled visit to the ER where we learned that I had contracted a urinary tract infection…which was treated with antibiotics and I was mercifully sent back to my corner (sent home!). But I’m back on my feet and ready to fight again.  I’ll be checking into Cedars on Thursday for +/- a week for this round.  Also heading up there today for another bone marrow biopsy to hopefully confirm that I’m still in remissions…which would mean I’m currently ahead on points and on track for winning the fight. So, stay tuned.  There is plenty of action left in the upcoming rounds…and as Howard Cosell always said “this kid can take treeeMENNNNdous punishment.”

Special shout out to Vicki, Bridgette and Kaye for having fought off some crazy afflictions.  Kaye is back on stage in Austin leading the Kaye Pasa Trio.  Bridgette is galivanting in Europe.  And Vicki was seen celebrating with friends at Big Chill 2018.  You are all tough as nails and living miracles.  So happy for all of you!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Throwback photo.  From last year.

Since I have a lot of time on my hands these days, I get to contemplate pretty useless things.  For example, the word “downhill”.   It is one of those words that can mean one thing in certain contexts and the exact opposite in others.

“Going downhill” can mean deteriorating as in “he’s going downhill”.  But to a bike rider, “going downhill” means things have gotten easier.  You’ve pedaled hard and made it to the top of the hill and now you get the reward of a downhill.

So, I’m using the bike rider context to point out that I’ve reached the halfway point of my treatment and it should be all downhill from here.  This whole thing started 4 months ago and as of Sept 1, I have 4 months to go.  The forecast is that I will complete the Hyper CVAD treatment on December 30.  So, by this reckoning, I’m on the downhill side of the treatment.  It’s still a long road, but at least the end is closer than the beginning. 

I’ll be checking back into Cedars tomorrow.  For those of you keeping score at home, I’ll be getting Part B of round 3.  I expect I’ll be there until Monday or Tuesday, which means I’ll be celebrating Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Years) in the hospital.  There WILL be a service at the hospital chapel and if my immunity levels allow, I’ll be able to attend.  If not, I can watch it on the TV set in my room.  This could be a test of my piety somewhat equivalent to Job.  If I can stick it out for the whole service without switching to SportsCenter, I’m truly a pious man.

Shana Tovah to all.